Chapter 6

Buffy and Faith snuck in quietly through the back alley door. They were about halfway up the stairs when the hall light came on, and they were facing Maggie Walsh.

“M-M-Maggie.” Buffy stuttered.

“Miss Summers, Miss Murphy, what the Hell do you think you are doing out and about this time of night?” she demanded.

“We were just--” Buffy stuttered.

“Out of milk. So, Buffy and I were about to get some.” Faith covered for them.

“At this time of night?” Maggie stared at them in disbelief.

“Well, if one of the younger girls, Molly, doesn’t get her milk, she tends to start to scream and cry until we give it to her, so yeah. Milk.” Faith lied.

“Well, ‘Molly’ will just have to wait until morning to get her milk then.” Maggie told them. “You two get to bed. I don’t want to hear another word out of either of you for the rest of the night.”

“Yes, ma’am.” they said in unison and walked up the stairs.

“Liar.” Buffy whispered and chuckled as they walked upstairs to their room for bed. “You’re so bad.”

“Well, someone had to cover.” Faith whispered back. “When you s-s-stutter like a b-b-baby, the bitch tends not to believe a word you say. Gosh, B. You are so *fucking* predictable.”

“Sssh.” Buffy put her pointer finger to her own lips in an attempt to silence Faith. “Let’s just go to bed. I’ve had enough partying to last me a month.”

“Give it a day, Summers. I promise you that partying will be on the top of your list from now on.” Faith winked.

“You’re such a slut.” Buffy laughed at her.

“And you’re a priss.” Faith chuckled as the both of them snuggled under the covers.


“Sir, I assure you that there won’t be a hassle.” Maggie said to the man on the other end of the phone. “I have two girls that are both…up to par for the performances you are requesting….Yes, sir. I understand. Trust me, everything is well taken care of...Good day to you to, Sir.”

Maggie hung up the phone and looked at photos of both Buffy & Faith and smiled inwardly to herself.

“Well taken care of, indeed.”

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