Chapter 8

“We’re here.” Faith said as they entered the hotel suite. “Wow, look at this place. Maggie sure knew how to do us up right.”

“Yeah, great.” Buffy muttered.

“B, lighten up.” Faith told her. “We’re here in NYC, and there’s no way you’re getting out of it now.”

“Yeah, I know.” Buffy agreed.

“So just go with it.” Faith told her. “It’s just for a week, and then we’re gonna be back home. Besides, this is New York City, B. I’m sure there’s more to do than fuck some guy’s brains out.”

“True.” Buffy nodded.

“Fine. I guess I’ll grin and bear it.” Buffy sighed. “So, what fun is there to do here anyway?”

Faith just grinned and smiled, “You’ll see.”


“God, that was boring.” Buffy said as they walked out of the theatre. “Isn’t there more to do here?”

“Sure, if ya have a shit load of money.” Faith shrugged. “I’m sorry, B.”

“It’s fine, Faith.” Buffy replied. “But hey, at least we weren’t cooped up in a hotel room all day.”

“True that.” Faith agreed as they walked into a coffee shop.

“What’ll you have?” the cashier asked both girls.

“I’ll have a latte.” Buffy said and turned to Faith. “Faith?”

“Coffee, black.” Faith stated.

“That’ll be $8 even.” the cashier told them.

Buffy was about hand the lady her money, when a hand handed her a credit card instead.

“It’s on me.” the stranger told her.

“I could have gotten that, you know.” Buffy told her.

“But you weren’t quick enough.” He grinned. “Come on, it’s the least I can do for a pretty lady.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” Buffy told her.

“I’m gonna go get a table.” Faith told them.

“Here you go.” the woman handed Buffy her drinks.

“Thank you.” Buffy said. “Well, it was nice to meet you, Mr….?”

“Angel. It’s just Angel.” he smiled.

“I’m Buffy. And thanks for the drinks. Maybe I’ll see you around.” Buffy smiled sweetly and left in search of Faith.

“Maybe indeed.” Angel said as he watched her leave. “Maybe more than you think.”

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