Lose The Moment

By: spoiledsquish

Disclaimer:Not mine. If you don’t believe me, then watch Waiting In The Wings or A Hole In World for further indication that I don’t, nor never will, own them!

Author's Note: Joss and I reconciled and I convinced him to sign the rights to all his things over to me. *Snorts.* Yeah, in a bizarro world! Joss owns everything. The plot appeared in my head last night as I was trying to fall asleep.

Distribution: My site, Seductive Web, PPA, Enchanting Place, Fanfiction.net, WTTS, PFYL, TEF, Sempiternal Beloved...If you host my fics regularly, feel free. If you don’t, just ask and most likely you shall receive.

Summary: Buffy Summers was turned in 1810 in Paris, Italy. She became consort to Angelus until 1898 when Darla, his sire and ex consort, brought him a gypsy girl. Now, 100 years later, Buffy has come to the Hellmouth with Angel's grandchilde Spike to reclaim her sanity. What will happen when her ex lover finds out she's back? Will he help her get back what she wants or will he turn his back on her and lose his true love?

Pairings: Aren't you clued in yet? B/A, obviously. Everyone else is fair game.

Rating: R.

Spoilers: Angel has a soul. There's no happiness clause. Faith is the current vampire Slayer, Wesley is her Watcher. Her boyfriend is Gunn, and her friends are Fred, Andrew, and Cordelia. They know Angel is a vampire. He helps them out on fighting and he and Faith are just friends. Don't worry, he's still Broody Angel, and not Dork Angel, thank God! Faith knows that Angel and Buffy, or Buff, as he called her, used to be a thing. She's not aware of the whole story. Spike and Dru are still together, but only Buffy is the crazy one. She's the one that Angelus stalked and drove insane. Dru's totally sane. Make sense? Comprende?

Dedication: To Ash, and all the B/A loyalists out there. This fic is for you. And to all the feedbackers who adore my stories. *g*

Feedback: It soothes my soul.

Chapter 1

~Sunnydale, CA: 1998~

"That's all the vamps for tonight? Either I'm getting scarier or someone controlling them." Faith said as Angel helped her up. "What do you think?"

"Maybe both." Angel said, getting that faraway look on his face.

"Hey, you okay?" Faith asked, noticing his brooding trademark. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"You didn't." Angel told her. "I was just thinking. About Buffy."

"You never told me about her." Faith shrugged as they walked. "What was she like?"

"She was incredible." Angel explained. "The perfect mate. Then she went off the deep end."

"Before you turned her." Faith recalled a previous conversation. "So, what went wrong?"

"I got a soul. She didn't." Angel sighed. "She couldn't handle it. Killing is what made her feel alive in a world where she was dead. It was something she couldn't understand."

"And here you are, a hundred and some-odd years later still pining away for your lost love." Faith chuckled. "Amazing. Do you think she's still out there somewhere or do you think she got staked?"

Before Angel could answer, a leather clad bleach blonde stepped out of the shadows, his brunette consort by his side.

"Spike." Angel growled.

"Fresh meat." Spike winked at Faith. "Hello, cutie."

"This is William the Bloody?" Faith asked Angel. "You never mentioned him being so well-built."

"Faith!" Angel spat.

"Sorry." Faith apologized, looking at his consort. "And you must be Drusilla."

"What are you doing here?" Angel yelled.

"Come on, mate. Can't give old friends give each other a ring every now and then?" Spike chuckled. "I'm here to help a friend. Something's here that she needs. You know, I'm really shocked to see you helping a Slayer. But since you're all soul-having, I suppose it's to be expected."

"What does who need?" Angel asked, not caring about Spike's lame talking.

"Maybe we should make introductions." Spike said. "Sweet, you get lost? Come on out and say hello to daddy."

Angel stopped dead in his tracks once he saw the vampire. It was Buffy. After all these years, she hadn't changed. She was right in front of him, and growling angrily at Faith.

"Cat got your tongue, Angelus?" Spike stared at Faith. "You are no match for her. [Points to Buffy] Our girl here may be on the crazy side but she's a wonder in the battlefield. And you should see her in the sack. You told me she was great, Angelus, but you never told me all the things she was willing to do. Well, what's that saying? Share and share alike."

"You're her." Faith gasped. "Wow. You're the most fierce female vamp in the world."

Buffy didn't say anything and just stared down Angel. He looked at her, desperately wanting to go to her.

"His soul."Buffy clutched her head. "Spike..No. No!"

"What pet?" Spike asked.

"It's bound, William." Buffy concluded. "No amount of majick will change that. [Looks at Faith] I'm going to kill you." "And here I thought we were just playing." Faith rolled her eyes. "Looks like you've never dealt with a Slayer."

"I know all the tricks of the trade." Buffy giggled. "I was a Slayer once too. Best of my kind. Until Angelus here came and killed everyone I knew. I still remember their screams. What will your family scream when they find your body?"

"Come on, ducks. Let's go." Spike told both the vampires.

"Goodbye, my Angel. I'll see you soon." Buffy snarled as she disappeared.

"So, I guess vacation's off the menu?" Faith asked when the three vampires were out of sight. "Oh, fuck."

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