Chapter 2
~Restfield Cemetary: Two Nights Later~
Angel threw a kick to the male vampire’s groin. He seized the opportunity to stake his kind. He dusted the vamp ashes off his clothing when he got the tingling sensation that Buffy was near.
"Buffy." Angel called out to her. "Buffy?"
"He was stupid." Buffy said as she wandered closer to him from a nearby tree. "Such a waste of blood and maiming."
"Spike let you out to fetch me?" Angel asked. "Or did you come alone?"
"Silly rabbit." Buffy chuckled. "Spike has no control over me. I control him. I go where I want, when I want. He knows his place."
"And where exactly is that?" Angel asked, hurt flashing across his face.
"With Dru, of course." Buffy shrugged. "He didn’t leave when he got neutered by the vet, you know? Not that he ever got neutered. He knew all about family. Unlike you, Angelus. You know nothing about loyalty. You just know about pain and torture"
"I also know about love." He moved closer, so that their bodies were inches apart. He stared at his blonde goddess, recalling the look of hate that radiated from her golden eyes.
"I’m so sorry, baby." Angel apologized. "I’m sorry for what I turned you into. I’m sorry for leaving you."
"You’re ‘sorry’?" Buffy growled. "You expect me to just forgive you? Fuck that. Like the deranged vampire that you are, you left me to die. Do you remember their screams, my Angel? All the torture and the blood we inflicted on all those innocents? You are just like them. Cattle waiting to be slaughtered. And I’m going to be the one that makes you pay."
"I won’t let you." Angel retorted.
"You can’t stop me." Buffy argued back. "You taught me everything I know and then some. I can just hear the screams of your Slayer-bitch now. She’ll go fast, much like the rest of them. But you…you’ll go slowly and painfully, no doubt."
"Why not just stake me, then?" Angel snapped back. "It’s faster. Not as much cleanup."
"Because…" Buffy licked the side of his face. "You’re much more fun when you beg."
"I don’t want to have to hurt you, Buffy." Angel sighed.
"That’s the part I always enjoyed, though." Buffy clutched at her head and took an unnecessary breath. "Pain. Death. Torture. You mistake them for their worth, Angel. It’s a part of life."
"And killing people for no damn reason is a part of life too?" Angel growled. "Buffy, I know you can’t understand why I’ve chosen to help a Slayer."
"You turned your back on us, Angelus." Buffy moved away from him.
"I got a soul." Angel shrugged.
"Not that. Before." Buffy frowned and glared furiously. "When you and Darla used to go out feeding, leaving me stuck to babysit Spike and Dru. I watched from outside as you fucked Darla before you sucked that gypsy dry. I knew what was gonna happen and I came to warn you."
"When did you see that?" Angel asked.
"About an hour after you left with her." Buffy told him. "Now, I have to go and save my family."
"You know I’ll kill you before I let you hurt the Slayer or any of her friends." Angel promised her.
"That’s what I’m counting on." Buffy winked before she pressed her lips to his.
Buffy felt his tongue dart out at hers, begging for entry. Both tongues battled for dominance, neither willing to back down. The blonde vampiress tangled her fingers in her sire’s hair and felt his muscular arms grip her hips.
Spike watched from a few feet away as the lovers broke out into a heated make out session. Why was his sire making out with his grandsire? They were supposed to be mortal enemies now, not each other’s fuck buddies.
"Angel…"Buffy moaned and arched against him. "Make love to me, my Angel."
"Buffy." Angel pulled slightly away to look into her eyes. "I can’t, you’re weak."
"I can’t fucking believe this!" Spike growled at the two of them. "Poof’s been celibate for what, a hundred years already? And your girl, who anyone can see that you’re still madly taken by, asks you to fuck her and you say, ’I can’t. You’re weak.’ Please! I’ve heard better lines from the telly. Did your girl tell you the real reason we’re in Sunny Hell?"
"To kill the Slayer?" Angel asked, but growled when Spike put his arm around Buffy.
“No, Peaches. That’s just a fun kill.” Spike chuckled. “Your mate’s in need of a cure. She’s dying, Angelus. And no amount of Hell Mary’s are gonna save her when we get it.”
“What’s the cure?” Angel groaned.
“If I knew that, think I’d tell you?” Spike laughed. “Actually, we have a lead. Good as gold, too.”
“Which is?” Angel retorted.
“You, mate.” Spike grinned as his minions knocked him out and dragged him to the factory. Spike led them all to Buffy’s room.
“Just don’t kill him until the ritual, sire.” Spike warned Buffy and left.
“You’re awake.” Buffy smiled when Angel pulled on the chains. Angelus was chained to her bed, half naked.
“So, you’re gonna torture me.” Angel said weakly.
“You catch on quickly, lover.” Buffy chuckled as she put her legs around his waist. “The ritual needs your blood, Spike’s ready to dust you, but you should be happy that I’m a good convincer. You remember how convincing I am, don’t you? I had convinced Wills and Xand that I’d faked my death right before I ripped their throats out. All the blood spilling out everywhere. It kept singing to me for days after we’d gutted them like sea bass. All the pretty colors.”
“Buffy..” Angel interrupted.
“Bite your tongue!” Buffy growled and moved away. “You did this to them. You destroyed everything. I had dreams of us, my Angel. Visions of you long before you walked into my life, You called out to me.”
“Buffy, I can help you.” Angel promised as the blonde vampires clutched her head once more. “Just let me out and I’ll help you.”
“I may be crazy, love, but I’m not dense.” Buffy told him. “You want out so you can run to your little band of packrats and tell them all about Spike and his plans. I was with you for many decades. Sorry, love.”
“How’s it goin’?” Spike asked as he waltzed into the room. “Are you having fun, sweet?”
“Lots.” Buffy forced a smile. “How soon before my ritual?”
“Few days.” Spike looked at Angel. “And where’s the bruised flesh? You haven’t even started marking him yet, pet? This is a record for you.”
“Just wait, Spike.” Buffy hinted. “All good things come to those who wait.”
“And you’ve waited one hundred years.” Spike recalled. “Don’t worry, mate. She’ll make it entirely kinky for you.”
Spike grabs Buffy and kissed her hard on the mouth, forcing his tongue down her throat. Buffy heard Angel growl as Spike tried to probe her mouth.
“Go, Spike.” Buffy growled as she pulled away. “Go prepare for my party.”
After Spike was out of sight, Buffy fetched the key to Angel’s chains. She unlocked them and felt Angel’s arms loosen.
“You’re free, love.” Buffy clicked her tongue and waited a few moments. “Why aren’t you moving?”
“This ritual’s gonna kill me, right?” Angel asked. “That’s why Spike is so gung ho about it.”
“You always were a quick learner.” Buffy’s eyes met his. “Spike told me I had to be better for what’s coming.”
“So, killing me solves that problem?” Angel asked her.
“More or less.” Buffy nodded. “He’s going to kill that Slayer-bitch you’re so keen on helping. Wants to gut her into little pieces.”
“Why’d you unchain me?” Angel wondered.
“’Cuz I want to see her die with you trying to protect her.” Buffy told him and shoved Holy Water in his face. “Goodbye, my Angel. See you in Hell.”
Buffy watched as her mate ran out of the room.