Chapter 4
~The Factory : The Next Morning ~
“Where’s Granddaddy?” Drusilla beamed as she walked in on Buffy draining the life our of some blonde teenager.
“Right where I prefer him to be, Dru.” Buffy shrugged and dropped the body to the floor. “Don’t concern yourself with it.”
“One of Spike’s minions claim that they saw him with that Slayer out hunting late last night, after they captured him.” Dru argued. “He was chained in here with you. Where is he, grandmummy?”
“Ha ha.” Buffy smirked. “I let Angelus go. He’s of now use to us at this point, Dru.”
“He’s your cure!” Dru growled. “Must you listen to that non-beating heart of yours every time you see him? He clouds your judgment. A judgment that you make for all of us.”
“You’re way off base.” Buffy spat. “I let him out for a reason. A reason that I don’t need to explain to you. Angelus is my mate...mine. I do what I please.”
“You let him out?! How could you, Buffy?” Drusilla growled at her lover’s sire.
“Bite your tongue, grandchilde!” Buffy ordered. “I don’t have to justify my decisions to you. I am the Master here, not you. You obey me. Angel will be back by week’s end. I feel it.”
“You’re wrong, ducks.” Spike walked into the factory with an unconscious black man. “Your sire and that Slayer-bitch will be back sooner than that. We have something they want.”
“He’s delicious.” Dru gleamed. “Thank you, love.”
“Not for you, pet.” Spike moved towards Buffy. “He’s yours, Sire.”
“I should rip your childe’s tongue out.” Buffy smiled at Spike. “Luckily for you, William, I’m in a torturing mood. Contact the Watcher, make a trade. Angel’s blood for this mortal’s. That’s how you get what you want, love.”