Chapter 7
“Are you ready?” Doyle asked as he opened up the book.
“Yes.” Buffy said as she sat with her legs crossed in a circle.
“Then let’s begin.” Doyle nodded.
“I’m ready.” Buffy nods again. “I’m ready.”
“Quod perditum est invenietur...Nisi mort. Nisi al finitei. Te invoc, spirit al trecerii...Te implor doamne. Nu ignora accasta rugaminte lasa orbita sa fie vasul care-i va transporta sufletul la el. Este scris aceasta putere este dreptul poporuil meu de a conduce. Asa sa fie, acum. Acum!”
Buffy’s whole body falls to the ground in unconsciousness.
“Buffy!” Doyle shook her. “Buffy, are you all right?”
“Doyle!” Buffy hugs him fiercely. “Thank you!”
“You can let me breathe now.” Doyle choked.
“Sorry.” Buffy pulled away. “I’ve never felt more alive than I do now, well with the exception of being, you know, alive.”
“I know.” Doyle nodded. “So, how’s it feel?”
“To know about all those innocents I killed and tortured? To know about all the damage I’ve caused?” Buffy sighed. “It’s hard, but I deal with it. I haven’t fed on a living human being since the night Angel was cursed. Well, not a righteous human being anyway. Rapists, murderers, child molesters. Spike and Dru were too involved with themselves to ever notice.”
“I’m sorry.” Doyle consoled.
“Will you…I have to see Angel.” Buffy explained. “And Faith. I have to explain myself.”
“Are you sure that’s a wise idea?” Doyle reminded her.
“Yes, Doyle. I can’t keep up this charade. Spike would be able to smell it from a mile away, and Dru probably already feels it.” Buffy sighed. “I have to see Angel. He has to know what’s happened to me.”
“All right.” Doyle nodded. “I’ll drive you to Sunnydale High. I have a feeling that’s where everyone is.”
“Thank you.” Buffy smiled. “Thank you for everything.”