Part 4

Buffy felt secluded, insecure, scrutinizing her thoughts inwardly. She couldn’t stand the swarming crowds of people, all gazing at her as they walked by. She stood up, not even feeling coherent enough to notice the arms that wrapped around her as she sobbed onto the wine colored shirt.

Nor did she comprehend the whispers of comforting words into her ear. She just held onto the form tightly, afraid to let go. Afraid that if she moved out of their grasp, if she waltzed out the door right now, she would be broken.

Angel couldn’t suppress himself. He’d witnessed her brunette friend leave mere moments ago, and felt the pang of his lover’s sorrow head to the surface.

She tried to hide it well, covering up her pain and suffering by holding her tears back. He knew he needed to leave her be, but the tug on his heart spoke otherwise. Maybe if he just held her one last time, he’d be able to let his morbid fascination with her dissipate.

When she wrapped her slender, nubile form around him, Angel realized he couldn’t let her go. Her tears penetrated his silk shirt, and Angel was all too unaware of the fact, because his focus was on this woman that was curled tightly into his embrace.

He continued to whisper comforting words in the shell of her ear, content to just hold her at his side, while the rest of the world just faded into a dark abyss. Somewhere deep inside, Angel knew that wasn’t true, and that the woman in his arms would eventually pull away, and leave his life, but he was unwilling to face those detailed factoids at the current moment.

Buffy knew the moment he wrapped his arms around her hips, who the stranger was. The man had arms of the gods, a sin to all mortals, that much she knew. Yet somehow, in his arms, she knew that everything would be all right, and all her dilemmas would just disperse for the time being. She was not the coddle type, but somehow she could not refuse the soothing diversion his embrace provided.

So, when she pulled away, and he lent his hand out for her to grasp, she did the only thing she could contemplate, given the current predicament, and her arousing feelings for the dark haired man…She took the extended palm, and followed him.


Faith paced intently around the living room area, distinctly waiting for Buffy’s return. The brunette had regretted what she’d preached to her friend, having had a chance to cool down a bit.

She knew her actions were lewd at minimal, but on occurrence, Faith herself just embraced her inner bitch and refused to comprehend before she responded.

In her mind and her heart, Faith understood that Buffy wasn’t selfish or spoiled; her actions as a teenager were a testament to that. Faith knew that she could just be stubborn and self centered at times, and that is what got her into trouble in the first place.

So, Faith continued to pace around the lower section of the loft, and prolonged looking at the doorframe like some star struck obsessive fan. How angry could she really be? She’d come home, and then they’d talk out their differences, and do the best friend make up thing with a bowl of buttery popcorn and really old cheesy love flicks.

Faith slumped down on the couch moments later, and proceeded to dive into their old romantic movie collection, best friend ritual be damned. She could hold out until Buffy got home. After all, she was never one to yield first.


“I really shouldn’t be here.” She murmured as he suckled on the base of her neck. “I need to be…”

“Where? Come on, you can wait a little while. I’ve been waiting for you for days, a couple hours isn’t really going to make a difference, is it?” He pondered, as he grasped her hips, poking his erection into her belly.

“You know this really isn’t going to work, right? This is just sex; what we’re doing.” She remarked, trying to define their actions.

“Is that so?” He smirked. “Am I to believe that you feel nothing when my tongue caresses yours, when I give you the pleasure of the flesh that you’ve desired? Tell me something, is that just sex to you? I’m presuming that you haven’t experienced pleasure like this in the past, that all your previous sexual encounters have just been safe, an intimate act without consequence?”

“This is an act without consequence.” She whispered in his ear. “Or have you forgotten the pretenses of how we met?”

“How could I forget?” He asked.

“I often wonder the same.” She giggled. “God knows it wasn’t hard fighting our initial attraction to one other, although the aligning factors were circumstantial.”

“Not once did I ever doubt us, though.” He smiled down at her.

“Spoken like a true man.” She leaned forward, as he probed her mouth with his tongue.

“Wesley…” She sighed. “That feels so good.”

“Bed?” He asked.

“How about the kitchen floor this time?” She beamed.

“Darla, you really bring out the exhibitionist in people.” He responded, following her lead.

“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” She turned to him, pressing him down into the tile floor. “Get ready, big guy. You’re in for the ride of your life.”


“Thank you.” Buffy said, as she prolonged sipping her tea.

“Are you hungry?” Angel questioned, wanting to delay her departure for as long as possible.

“Nah.” Buffy muttered, staring down into the tea leaves. “I do want to thank you. I’m just not ready to see Faith just yet.”

“It’s all right.” He nodded.

“You went out of your way tonight, and you didn’t have to so, thank you.” Buffy stared up at him. “You must think I’m the biggest wreck at this point. Poor little Buffy can’t fend for herself.”

“Actually, I thought you looked pretty cute.” He muttered, looking sensually into her mossy green depths.

“I should really go.” She stated, not moving from her spot on the couch.

“You really should.” Angel nodded, inching his lips closer towards her.

The kiss was soft and succulent; full of tender caresses and unspoken promises. Buffy silently wrapped her small frame around him, as he massaged her blonde locks with the palms of his hands.

Unknowingly, they both made it onto the sofa without breaking anything. His tongue met the base of her neck, suckling on the soft skin. She tasted like apricots and strawberries with a tint of pears.

Angel continued a trail until he reached her breasts, biting gently on the clothed pebbled nipple. Buffy grasped his shoulders, murmuring some inaudible phrase. He unbuttoned her top gently, throwing it onto the nearby ground.

Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling his erection poking at her belly.

They made tender love on his sofa all night long, neither speaking of what the next day would bring. They just wanted to feel something other than the cold.


“So, he bought every word?” Darla questioned.

“Every fucking syllable.” Wesley nodded. “Angel will be out of our hair soon enough. And then the company is pretty much mine.”

“You mean ours.” Darla said, massaging his shoulders. “Let’s not forget, lover, that without me, you’d still be at the lowest of the low. I helped you get to the position you’re in now.”

“And I’ve yet to thank you properly for that.” Wesley flipped her onto her stomach.

“And I have so many ways for you to remedy that.” She laughed, suckling his tongue into her mouth.

He ripped off her satin negligee and entered her swiftly. She crooned into him, pulsating his throbbing erection.

“Fuck me, Wesley.” Darla whispered into his ear.

He thrust into her, crushing her small, and lithe form to his chest. Clutching his shoulders, Darla fiercely bit down on one erect nipple, enticing a grunt of sexual want out of her partner.

“Oh god, Wes, don’t stop. Fuck me…” Darla gasped as she felt his aroused member probe her tightened vaginal walls.

After spilling his seed into her, Wesley gasped a sigh of sexual release one final time and rolled off his partner. Moments later, as the two were both steadfast asleep in the roomy bed they shared together, neither of them heard the answering machine beep with a cry for help.


Buffy woke up disoriented the following morning, not knowing where she was or who she was with. Feeling the sturdy arms next to her, a small portion of her lips turned upwards in rememberance.

She had slept with Angel, not once but a total of five mind blowing orgasmic sexual encounters within the last twenty four hours.

Slipping from his secure embrace, Buffy silently padded along the carpet to the window in the living room. He lived in one of Los Angeles’ more elite non celebrity neighborhoods, a place that not even Buffy, in her wildest dreams could ever afford.

She stared out the window for many moments, wishing she could just be an innocent faceless bystander in the crowds. Her thoughts slipped to her beloved sister, Tara, with whom she’d been separated from all those years ago.

Was she still alive, somewhere in this horrible country? Was she thinking of her too? Why hadn’t she ever contacted her, or made any attempt to reunite with her own sister, her own flesh and blood?

These questions lingered in Buffy’s mind until two strong arms wrapped around her waist. She leaned back into his chest, mentally smelling the fresh aftershave on him.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked throatily.

“My sister. She disappeared when I was still just a teenager.” Buffy sighed. “Everyone else believed her to be dead, but she and I had a special bond. I never truly believed in my heart that she died…and I don’t even have a clue as to why I’m telling you this. You’re just a mystery man who I’ve gotten pelvic with…several times. I should really go…someplace where I can’t make a gibbering fool out of myself.”


“I really can’t. I need to get back home. Faith, my roommate is probably going anal with worry. I’ll see you.”

Clutching her purse and jacket in one hand, Buffy Summers literally ran out of his penthouse, afraid that if she turned back, she would never want to leave her mystery beau’s embrace.


“Look who finally turned up.” Faith smirked when Buffy entered their apartment. “Long night, B?”

“I don’t really wanna talk about it.” Buffy shook her head adamantly. “Are you all right? Did you get home okay?”

“The baby and I are both fine.” Faith patted the empty sofa next to her. “Now come and sit down and tell ‘Auntie’ Faith all about your phenomenal sexcapades with Mr. Hottie O’Connor.”

Auntie Faith? Aren’t you the one having the baby? Secondly, there’s nothing to tell. We went back to his place, and talked.” Buffy shrugged.

“So, you’re honestly going to tell me you didn’t have sex with him? Come on, B. I know you better than that. I can also tell when you’re lying. Your eyes tend to become enlarged, and your pupils move from side to side. So, how many times did you two do it? Was there rotating positions? Did you do it missionary style first, then rotate to spread eagle or…?” Faith remarked, an evil glimmer in her eyes.

“Faith, I’m not discussing my sexual positions with you. It’s personal, all right? Yes, Angel and I did have sex last night, more than once, and as amazing as it was, I’m not in the share all mode right now. It’s personal, and I intend to keep it that way.” Buffy sighed. “So, what do you wanna do today?”

“Shopping. You’re gonna need some serious slutty clothing for when Angel comes groveling for you to go out with him.” Faith joked.

“Are you really going to subject your kid to your gutter mouth?” Buffy asked.

“Nah. But they’re gonna hear it anyway so why shun them from it?” Faith stated, grabbing her keys. “So, where to first? Are we going to the mall or one of those elite stores you are so used to shopping in? Cuz I don’t think those elite stores are gonna mesh with your raging sex appeal…”


“Hi, I need to book a flight to Los Angeles.” A woman spoke sweetly to the reservationist.

“First class or coach?” Amanda replied, typing the information into the computer.

“Coach.” The blonde spoke to her softly.

“Window or aisle?”

“Window. I want to see the view.” She smiled as Amanda handed her the receipt and ticket.

“Enjoy your flight.” Amanda nodded to her.

“Thanks, I will.” The woman reached into her bag absentmindedly. “I’ll see you soon, sis.”

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