Part 5

Darla woke up to the soft snoring of Wesley purring into her ear. Annoyed, she slipped softly from his grasp, and padded out into the kitchen. Why she ever agreed to this arrangement with that egotistical bastard was beyond her.

Ignoring the lingering thoughts in her head, Darla witnessed the blinking light coming from the answering machine. Intrigued as to who had called while she and Wesley had been preoccupied in their intimate activities, Darla waltzed over and pressed ‘play’.

“Hi, I hope I have the right number here.” The voice chattered nervously. “My name is Tara Summers, and I’m calling for a ‘Wesley Wyndham Pryce’. I wanted to discuss your message earlier about my sister, Buffy Summers. If you could just give me a call back at 555-2905, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you, and have a nice day.”

Darla’s jaw held open for what seemed like hours before snapping it shut. Feeling rage seep through her veins, Darla wrote down the number on a nearby notepad, and immediately deleted the former message.

“Okay, lover, we’ll just see who wins this round.” Darla chuckled gleefully, and dialed the written number. “Hello, this is Darla Westmore, calling for Tara Summers. Miss Summers, I’m Mr. Wyndham Pryce’s assistant and I wanted to speak with you about the issue regarding your sister. If you could just give me a call on my cellular phone at 555-5087, we can sort the issue at hand. Thank you, and I do look forward to hearing from you.”

Hanging up the phone, Darla quickly dialed an unknown number to throw off her secret call in case Wesley tried to track her. She swiftly moved towards the bedroom and watched her lover in a deep sleep.

Feeling ever the devious vixen, she untied her bathrobe and straddled him. He only moaned in response. Smiling inwardly, she started to thrust about his silk boxers covered member, arousing him. In a passionate glimpse, Darla found herself riding him hard and fast.

Looking down, she saw Wesley grabbing her hips, thrusting her down harder on top of him. Moments later, Darla felt herself overcome with the waves of an existential orgasm.

Sighing contently, she fell into a blissful sleep…


“Faith, I look like a total whore.” Buffy protested, poking her head out of the dressing room. “There’s no way I am buying this.”

“Why not?” Faith pressed. “And you don’t look like a whore, you look very sultry and chic. There’s a difference between looking sexy, and looking like a hooker, B. And you look sexy. It’s none of those drab and conservative outfits you’re used to wearing. Guys like it when you show some skin, you know?”

“I don’t think they want me showing all of it for the whole world to see.” Buffy shook her head. “Why is my going out with Angel so important to you anyway. You’re more interested in getting us together than I am.”

“Maybe I just want my best friend happy for once, instead of being in pure misery for the rest of her days. I’ve seen you with him, B. Your eyes light up whenever I mention his name, and your skin gets this glowing, natural tint. He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen invoke those feelings. So quit being such a pussy about it and buy the damn outfit.” Faith remarked.

“You’re wrong, Faith. He was just a…” Buffy remained silent. “All right, fine. Maybe I do like him. But it doesn’t mean I have to dress like a skank if he asks me out.”

“B, shut up and buy the outfit.” Faith scolded. “Humor me, and your soon-to-be niece or nephew.”

“This is rich, Faith. Using your kid as a pity card. Nice.” Buffy rolled her eyes.

“If it’ll get you to buy the damn outfit, I’d sell the kid as soon as I pop it out of me.” Faith chuckled. “Why are we even still conversing about it. Just go to that cash register over there, and pull out your credit card, and pay for it.”

“All right already!” Buffy whined. “God, you’re such a bitch.”

“Well, if you only listened to me more often, you wouldn’t be such a little heifer.” Faith winked as Buffy walked off. “Stubborn wench.”


“Thanks for meeting me, Miss Westmore. I know it was such short notice.” Tara Summers replied sweetly as she sipped her tea.

“I had no qualms about it, really.” Darla perked up. “Besides, Wesley told you he wanted to discuss your sister.”

“Yes, he did.” Tara nodded. “He said she was involved with an older man, dark, mysterious.”

“Yes, that’s right. Miss Summers and Mr. Wyndham Pryce used to be very close friends until she started seeing his very successful friend and co-worker, Angel O’Connor.” Darla lied. “Then, as time progressed their relationship, so did Buffy’s attitude. See, she and Wesley did everything together, that is until Angel O’Connor came along. She became standoffish, always busy, and worst of all, she being bruised.”

“He beat her?!” Tara spat.

“Yes, and it’s been going on for months now. Wesley wanted to call the police for so long, but Buffy begged him not to. And him being the dutiful friend he is, he was more than willing to forgo what common sense told him to do, rather than to risk his relationship with his best friend.” Darla finished.

“Where is she now?” Tara squeaked out.

“I assume she’s with her friend, Faith Murphy, who continues to encourage her astounding relationship with Mr. O’Connor.” Darla shook her head. “It’s amazing what kind of trash supports an abusive relationship.”

“Yes, it truly is.” Tara agreed. “Do you know of an address I can find my sister at.”

“I don’t know her address, specifically. I can, however give you Mr. O’Connor’s address. He should most likely be at home, sleeping off a hangover from last night.” Darla frowned.

“Please, and thank you. I do truly appreciate you taking the time to see me.” Tara spoke.

“It’s really no problem. Your little sister is really like family to both Wesley and I. All we want is to see her happy.” Darla continued to sip a cup. “If I’m not being too forward, Miss Summers--”

“Tara. Please call me Tara.” The blonde nodded, disregarding formalities.

“Tara…” Darla gleamed. “Will you be staying to sort things out with your sister? She raves on about you.”

“I don’t know. Probably. I’ve been gone too long.” Tara sighed. “And if I had known that my little sister was going to get involved with a man of Angel’s proceedings, then I never would have left in the first place.”

“That doesn’t matter. Buffy will be joyous to learn of your return.” Darla laughed.

“I should hope so.” Tara smiled. “I’m sorry to cut this short, Darla, but I really would like to see my sister.”

“Yes, of course.” Darla agreed, grabbing her purse. “You’ll call me as soon as you hear from her? Wesley and I just want to make sure you and Buffy are all right.”

“Count on it.” Tara replied. “Thank you again, Darla.”

Darla smiled and watched the other blonde leave the establishment. As soon as she was out of eyesight, she wiped the fake smile off her face and chuckled. Both Buffy and Angel were in for the surprise of their lives.

Nothing would ever be the same again. By night’s end, she would by one step closer to ruling one of the most prestigious law firm’s in Los Angeles.


“Hold on.” Angel’s voice shouted from inside the loft.

He opened the door with a grin on his face, and was presented with a very angry looking Tara Summers.

“Hi, I don’t believe we’ve met.” Angel held out his palm in greeting. “You are?”

“Are you Angel O’Connor?” Tara pondered.

“Yes. Who, may I ask are you? You look awfully familiar, and I’m really not that good with names.” Angel apologized.

“I’m Tara Summers, Buffy’s my little sister.” Tara snapped, forcing her way into the loft.

“Why don’t you come on in?” Angel muttered after the fact.

“This is a nice apartment you have.” Tara remarked, eyeing the room.

“Thank you.” Angel nodded in agreement.

“So, Mr. O’Connor, what do you do for a living?” Tara questioned.

“I’m a lawyer for a prestigious law firm here in the city.” Angel explained. “Are you here to see Buffy?”

“So, I can tell by your rather exquisite tastes in furniture.” Tara disregarded his last message.

“I don’t mean to sound blunt, Miss Summers, but can I ask you exactly why you came to see me, if not to see your sister?” Angel asked.

“I came to see you, actually.” Tara remarked, inwardly reminding herself to keep her wits about her. “You are dating my sister, are you not?”

“God, I hope so.” Angel shrugged.

“Mr. O’Connor, I came to ask you to stay away from my sister, and myself. Please don’t go near her.” Tara explained.

“No offense taken, Miss Summers, but you’ve been an absentee from her life from some time now. So you just stumble into town and want to break your sister’s happiness now?” Angel retorted.

“Happy? Happy?! You call an abusive relationship happy?” Tara roared.

“Abusive relationship? I’m afraid I don’t follow.” Angel shook his head.

“Surely you’re smarter than the average Joe, Mr. O’Connor. You’re abusive towards woman, specifically my sister at this point.” Tara remarked. “For her sake, and your own, just stay as far away from my sister as humanly possible.”

“I don’t abuse women. I’ve never hit, nor do I ever plan to beat a woman down. Women are beautiful creatures, Miss Summers. I don’t know who misinformed you but I would never touch your sister like that. I love her too much to do that to her.” Angel explained. “You can’t ask me to stop seeing Buffy. I won’t. I won’t deny her the happiness she’s long since deserved.”

“Then I’ll be forced to take legal action.” Tara threatened. “I’m sorry, Mr. O’Connor, but I refuse to let you hurt my baby sister anymore.”

Before Angel could defend himself, Tara slammed the door on her way out. Angel tried to memorize what in the hell had just happened there. Someone had been feeding Buffy’s sister lies. Someone wanted them apart?

But who? Who would go to such dark and desperate lengths to keep them apart? Angel was dead set on finding out.


“So, how do I look?” Faith asked as she pranced giddily into the living room.

“Like a whore.”

“Awww, and since I know you love me, I’m gonna take that as a compliment, but face it Summers…You’re never gonna have me.” Faith chuckled.

“I’m sure you’ve said that to many a guy before they’ve gone down on you too…So, tell me…is it just the big ones or are they as small as a deformed tootsie pop?” Buffy snapped jokingly.

“Very funny, ha ha.” Faith rolled her eyes. “So, what time is Angie picking you up?”

“I told you to stop calling him that!” Buffy smacked her arm playfully. “Faith, he hasn’t even formally asked me out.”

“Guy like that doesn’t need to, B. I’m sure he’s all too well aware that you are sitting at home with a bowl of popcorn, just waiting for his sultry voice to call on that phone line there.” She snickered.

“You’re a tease.”

“And you love it!” Faith yelled.

“So, wanna tell me what you are all dressed up for?” Buffy pressed on.

“I have a date. An outstanding date with William. He called this afternoon.” Faith shrugged.

“As in Mr. ‘I’m married to Drusilla Kensington’ William?” Buffy scoffed. “I thought you learned from that mistake.”

“He wants to talk about the baby, Buffy.” Faith explained. “I realize that there isn’t going to be any relationship with William and I, but I guess your threatening scared some kind of common sense into him. He wants to meet me by the pier in an hour.”

“Okay, he wants to meet you all alone on a pier in the dark?” Buffy questioned. “Why am I getting this sickening stomach feeling in my gut, Faith? You of all people know how dangerous it is in the streets at night. Going to the seafront in the middle of the night is just asking for trouble.”

“As opposed to your indiscretions with a man you just met a month or so ago?” Faith snapped back. “Buffy, I’m going to be fine. And hey, I do have my cellular with me in case trouble should arise. So, if anything bad happens, I’ll call ya.”

“What if something happens to your phone, Faith?” Buffy quirked a brow. “What then?”

“Call Giles.” Faith shrugged. “I’m veering on fashionably late as it is, B. Tell me how it goes with Angel, ‘kay?”

“There’s no date! Faith, have a good…” Buffy called but the brunette was out of earshot before she could finish. “…time.”


“Hey.” Her voice fluttered from across the walkway.


“This is awkward, isn’t it?” She asked, a sigh escaping softly from her moist lips.

“Just a tad.” He agreed.

“You know, I think there’s really something fucked up with this scenario.” The woman spoke.

“Why?” He questioned her, a frown marring his features.

“Have you just been absentee from this relationship for the past--five, six—months?” The raven haired beauty remarked


“No, William, just shut up and listen to me for a moment, all right? You talk, and my whole speech just gets thrown out the window…” Faith pressed the palm of her hand to her head in confusion. “For the past two years, I kept my ongoing affair with you a secret, not only from my best friend, who knows me like an inside book, but from everyone I’ve ever known. My not-so-close family, my friends, besides Buffy, the one you met at dinner… And the whole time while we were sleeping together, I thought that if I could just get you to feel something else other than unbridled lust for me, that everything would be all right. That maybe I could finally convince you to see past some of the snobberies that Drusilla accustomed you to.

“So, for the past two years, up until a few solid months ago, I thought I could make you see that, despite all those misconceptions you have about people and commitments in general. Up until that point, I felt like I was going in this straight line, just waiting to cross the end, you know? Now, ever since I got pregnant, I feel like it’s just a rat race trying to get you to talk to me. I understand that you won’t tell Drusilla. Truth be told, I never really expected you to.”

“What do you want from me, Faith?” William remarked, his ragged tone reverberating with disappointment and anger.

“I want you to either commit to our baby’s life or to just disease from both our lives forever. I never meant to ask you to choose, William, but I realize now that it’s the only resolve for any of us, in this masochistic soap opera we’ve drawn ourselves into.” She concluded. “I won’t put our child through the rollercoaster ride that was our relationship.”

“I can’t leave Drusilla.” He muttered.

“Then you lose us both.” Faith sniffled. “I’m sorry, William, but I just can’t.

“I understand.”

“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, Will.” She whispered.

“I do mean it, Faith. I meant every softly spoken phrase I ever insinuated towards you. I understand with perfect clarity what you are. You’re a hell of a woman, you know? You’re the one, Faith. I’m just the unfortunate sap who gets to regret the choice I have to make and let you go.”

“Goodbye William.” Faith pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you.”

“Goodbye, Faith.” He whispered, void of emotion.


Angel paced back and forth in the hallway in Buffy’s apartment complex. Would it be too forward of him to tell her about Tara? Would she believe him?

Pushing his mindless thoughts aside, Angel worked up the courage to knock on her door. He waited momentarily as no one answered. Giving one last look at the still doorframe, Angel put his hands in his pockets and moved towards the stairwell.

“Hey!” A voice called from the doorway as Angel reached the end of the hall. “Angel, right?”

“Yeah.” He turned around. “You’re Faith, right? Buffy’s friend.”

“You remember.”

“Course. It’s not everyday B fucks a guy, ya know.” Faith shrugged. “Did you want to come in? She went out for a bit, but she should be home soon.”

“Sure.” Angel nodded and reluctantly followed her into the apartment. “So, we didn’t really meet properly before.”

“No, you were kind of flushed and pale that day, I remember.” Faith chuckled slightly, motioning for him to sit down. “So, I assume you came here to ask Buffy out, right?”

“Not exactly.”

“What? Why?” Faith pondered. “You have cryptic face. I don’t know whether you’re comtemplating jumping her as soon as she walks in or if you’re planning on axe murdering everyone tonight.”

“It’s neither actually.” Angel forced a smile. “I met Tara tonight.”

“Tara, Buffy’s abandoning sister, Tara?” Faith repeated. “That’s impossible. You don’t even know what she looks like. How can you be so sure it was her?”

“She told me who she was.” Angel shrugged slightly.

“Okay, and you just took that at face value? You really need to up your people skills.” Faith remarked jokingly. “So what did Tara say?”

“She seems to think that Buffy and I are in a relationship, and that I’m an abusive lover slash boyfriend.” Angel quoted.

“Be kind, rewind.” Faith’s pupils widened. “First off, you and Buffy haven’t even gone on a real live date, if you don’t count the sexual escapades that you two have obviously been having. Second, I’ve known you for two minutes, and I can already tell that you are a caring sensitive guy who wouldn’t harm a fly. This girl, who’s supposedly Buffy’s long lost sister, Tara, is mistaken. We need to find Buffy before this Tara does.”

“Where do you suppose we start?” Angel sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair in frustration.

“Well, her job would be a good place to start. I tried the cell phone route and she has it off, so…”

“Then we better head out.” Angel sighed.

“Yeah. I just don’t trust whoever this girl really is. And Buffy is the most trustworthy person. Guess she’s a solid gold ticket, eh?” At Angel’s nod, she continued, “Yeah, let’s get movin’.”



She stopped dead in her tracks, not wanting to turn around. This was a dream. She must have fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Faith to arrive back home.

She’d been privy to these “dreams within a dream” episodes before, and she wasn’t going to give in. She’d just close her eyes and randomly wake up again.

Buffy squinted, blocking out the voice she’d just heard. Listening to nothing but the faint chirping of crickets for the next several minutes, she opened her eyes and came face to face with the last person she’d thought she’d see.


“Hey, little sis.” Tara replied, moving to embrace her.

“Hi.” Buffy stuttered, moving away. “What are you doing here?”

“I know I haven’t been around for a while.” Tara flicked her gaze to the floor.

“Try, like, ever.” Buffy seethed. “So what, you heard I’m managing well on my own now and thought you’d come back to stir up trouble?”

“No, no. Nothing like that.” Tara argued. “One of your friends called me, asked me to check up on you.”


“I’m sorry if I intruded on your life, Buffy. I’m just concerned about you, the direction you’re headed in.” Tara placed a hand on her shoulder. “Your friend told me about Angel, what he’s done to you.”

“She did?” Buffy asked. Damn you, Faith!

“Yes…and when I heard the news, I came here to advise you.” Tara finished.

“Advise me.” Buffy repeated. God, what did you tell her? Did you give her the horrid details of baby Buffy’s sex life? God, you are in so much trouble when I get home!

“Yes, are you listening to a word I’m saying?” Tara noted her disconcerting state.

“Sorry. What?” Buffy snapped out of her daze.

“You need to leave him, Buffy. Angel’s a dangerous man.”

“Huh?” Buffy frowned. “What are you even talking about? We’re not even together like that, Tara.”

“But your friend…” Tara stated.

“I’m not a child, Tara! Look, I’m ecstatic that you came back for whatever reason, but don’t you dare try and act like a martyr to me. You’ve been out of my life for years now.” Buffy roared.

“You should know of all people that I didn’t have a choice.” She justified.

“Didn’t have a choice? It’s not like Mom and Dad would have cared, Tara! But all of a sudden, you just up and walked out one day. We searched for you, for months, until Mom finally gave up on the search. She and Daddy figured you were either dead or a whore by now. They must be rolling over in their graves right now.”

“Don’t you dare--”

“Tara, if you really want what’s best for me, if you truly ever cared about me, you’ll leave Angel and I alone. He’s never done anything to anyone.” Buffy requested.

“He hurt you.”

“How? How did he hurt me? By sleeping with me and not calling me the following day? That’s not dangerous, Tara. He was being a regular guy, you know.”

“No, Buffy. Why don’t you just admit it?”

“Christ, admit what?” Buffy yelled. “I’m in love…in love…with Angel!”

“You can’t be in love with him, Buffy. No woman can love a man like him.” Tara raged.

“Goodbye, Tara.” Buffy moved to leave. “When you finally learn to accept that your baby sister can take care of herself, you call me.”

Tara witnessed Buffy walking off into the dark streets of Los Angeles, a soft tear dripping down her cheek. As hurt as she was, the older blonde knew she had to do something. As stubborn as Buffy could be, she would not like the plan in the beginning, but she’d grow to appreciate the fact.

“Hello, Los Angeles Police Department?” Tara spoke after she’d dialed the number. “I need to speak with someone about a possible abuse victim…”


~Some Weeks Later~

“So, what do you want to do tonight?” Faith asked her best friend.

“I don’t know. Angel and I were kind of planning on staying in.” Buffy remarked, glowing.

“Ah. So I sense there will be a lot less talk and really great sex.” Faith chuckled.

“Faith!” Buffy threw a dirty towel at her. “Shut up!”

“What? You two are obviously doing it still. You’ve been just like a couple of horndogs since you started dating. So, how big is he?” Faith blurted out.

“I’m so not having this conversation with you!”

“Come on! Is he small, medium, average? Just tell me he’s not as tiny as a wrinkled tootsie roll pop.” Faith begged. At Buffy’s look of dismay, she continued, “Oh come on!”

The End...

Okay, I ended it on a somewhat happy note. There is a sequel in the works for all you fans of this. Hope you enjoyed it. Here endeth the fiction.

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